
Muslim Congress is a charitable non-profit organization in accordance with section 501 (c)(3) of the IRS tax code. It seeks to promote unity among the Muslims of North America. Our goal is to excel and enhance the Muslim cause so that the Muslims become proud over their Islamic identity, well-informed and successful citizens while retaining the values of the pure Muhammadan (sawa) Islam-the only true Islam.


Muslim Congress is funded solely by the donations of individual Muslims in America.
Muslim Congress has no ties or links whatsoever to any domestic or foreign entity or organization.
– All funding we receive is used within the United States to forward the Muslim Cause.

For any questions, contact us by writing to 1933 N. Larch St, Suite B-101, Lansing, MI 48906. You can also email us at: info@muslimcongress.org.


To promote Islamic knowledge, morality, divine values and cooperation among members living in various Muslim communities of North America.

Mission Statement

To establish a strong Muslim Community in North America based on Islamic beliefs and values where individuals can develop and succeed without compromising their Islamic identity.


The primary goal of Muslim Congress is to provide educational services that will directly benefit our communities. Some of these services are already underway and available while others will be made available in the near future.

Services offered by Muslim Congress will be designed keeping in mind the needs of various demographic sections of the community. Some examples of such services include: Family Counseling, Matrimonial Services, Career/Business Guidance, Family Magazine, Online Discussion Forums etc.

Other significant goals of Muslim Congress include: Helping Communities in providing Ulama for their Islamic Centers, development of a unified Sunday school curriculum, and establishment of an Islamic media network.

Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure of the Muslim Congress is comprised of two major bodies: Board of Trustees (BoT) and Board of Directors (BoD).

Board of Trustees comprises of religious scholars who oversees all activities of Muslim Congress. Board of Directors selected by Board of Trustees run the day to day affairs of the Muslim Congress.

History and Background:

Muslim Congress was established in 2005 to promote and propagate the true teachings of Islam as guided by the Holy Prophet and his purified progeny, the Ahl al-bait (peace be upon them). In July 2005, the inaugural conference was held in Houston,TX, which was attended by over 400 participants from several cities and states across North America. The distinguished speaker panel consisted of ulama (religious scholars), imams and other professionals from various educational and health related fields. Many attendees appreciated the opportunity to benefit from and interact with the Ulama and provided constructive feedback and support for the organization’s goals and objectives. Topics that were discussed in keynote  presentations and workshops covered the day-to-day challenges faced by Muslims living in the West, and appropriate solutions were identified to address them.A consensus was formed towards the need for a platform where Muslims living in North America could interact with other communities and their leaders to educate and network with one another. Moving forward, with the blessings of the Almighty (swt), the guidance of the Religious leaders and the efforts of dedicated group of volunteers, Muslim Congress will continue to strive to work for a common good and benefit of Muslim communities living in North America. We will seek to provide the Muslim communities with resources and valuable services to promote Islamic knowledge, morality and values without compromising the true Islamic teaching and identity.

In addition to organizing conferences, Muslim Congress offers a variety of services and resources for the material and spiritual benefit of the individuals and communities.

Muslim Congress’ activities are governed by its Constitution and bylaws.

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