November 8–10th, 2024 | Houston, TX

As-Sayyeda Zainab (a.s): A Legacy of Courage, Compassion, and Resistance

Qur’an Competition – Workshops – Legal Support – Theatrical Play

Muslim Congress is excited to announce our 20th annual conference taking place in Houston, TX on the weekend of November 8-10th.

We have a variety of speakers and topics in our workshops including Artificial Intelligence, Entrepreneurship, Family Counseling and more. For our youth, there are numerous activities to engage in including Quran Competition, Science Fair, and Art Competition. Check out the flyers below for details.

For conference registration, and to learn more please CLICK HERE!

Adults- $130 // Seniors-$110
Children 5 and under are free

Families with children enrolled in any Islamic school receive a special discount (use coupon code: MC24SCHOOL).

All other attendees can benefit from an Early bird discount (use coupon code: MC24EARLY)

Both Early bird and Islamic school discounts will end on 10/28.We have a variety of speakers and topics in our workshops including Artificial Intelligence, Entrepreneurship, Family Counseling and more. For our youth, there are numerous activities to engage in including Quran Competition, Science Fair, and Art Competition.

Conference Programming